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It Didn't Start Out That Way Home What They Say About Judy Media
Shut Up & Write! Demystifies the process of writing with
easy-to-access tools, instruction, examples,
and inspiration.
Redbird Studio Main Website





Publisher: Hidden Timber Books
ISBN‏: ‎ 978-1-7365519-6-7
249 pages
Perfect Paperback


Judy Bridges biography pic

Judy Bridges was years into a career writing speeches and marketing programs when she realized she really loves to teach and founded Redbird Studio. She spent the next 25 years helping people find the words they want to say.

The first lines of her student's books and shorter works were written and polished in workshops she led in the studio, on woodland trails, in cemeteries, on trains and city buses.

When an elementary school principal asked her to work with his students, she said, “I don’t do kids.” That turned into school year and summer programs for youth of all ages and backgrounds.

When teaching, Judy looks in each person for the thing they love, the thing they can build on. No writing is insignificant. The obituary is as important as the novel.

When she wrote Shut Up & Write! readers said it was as much about life as about writing. In her memoir, It Didn’t Start Out That Way, she brings her own life to the page.